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Photographer Profile- Kevin Carter


Source: Kevin Carter March 23, 1993 Ayod, Sudan

I chose photographer Kevin Carter as my profile photographer.  After viewing this picture and learning the story behind it, I have been intrigued by the story and the story behind the photographer.  This photographer’s life shows the hard side and dilemma photographers face when looking for the perfect shot.  Kevin Carter, took this picture in Ayod, Sudan in 1993.

The story goes that Carter and several other photographers were with the United Nations while the U.N. was distributing food to women in the village.  According to João Silva, a portuguese photojournalist also at the scene, Carter was shocked by the famine.  The UN told Carter and the other photojournalist they had 30 minutes to take pictures and then they were leaving.  Carter hears a whimpering noise from a nearby bush.  He investigates only to find a staving girl crouched over attempting to make her way over to the feeding center.  In the background was a waiting vulture.  The mother was apparently at the feeding center getting food for her and her family.  After taking the picture Carter chased the bird away but left the girl as she was.

After taking the shot, Carter would sit under a tree and cry from the sadness surrounding him.  The photograph would go on to be published in newspapers around the world and even win the Pulitzer Prize.  Outrage ensued after the picture was published, and many activists wanted to know what happened to the girl and why she wasn’t picked up.  Carter and other photojournalist were told not to touch famine victims as they could transmit diseases.  Carter receives outraged letters and phone calls.

On July 26, 1994 Kevin Carter took his life.  The photo controversy along with other personal issues took a heavy toll on Carter.  There is a documentary called The Death of Kevin Carter which showcases his life and the controversy behind the picture.

Bophuthatswana policemen executes AWB member, Alwyn Woolfardt.

Source: Kevin Carter, Bophuthatswana, March, 1994.


Wiki- Kevin Carter (

The Pulitzer Prize Photographs- Capture The Moment, Waiting Game for Sudanese Child-Kevin Carter (Published by Newseum, Washington, D.C.) Page 170-171

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