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Movie Poster Review – SPY GAME

The movie Spy Game follows the story behind a CIA Spy named Tom Bishop and his recruiter Nathan, played by Brad Pitt and Robert Redford respectively.  Tom is Nathan’s best recruit ever, however they lose touch when Tom becomes tired of the agencies policies and Nathan interfering in his personal life.  Nathan is set to retire when he becomes aware that Tom has been caught for espionage in China.  The CIA did not have any official business in China and thus refuses to assist Tom and labels him as a rogue agent.  Nathan however feels responsible for Tom’s actions as he believes he played a role in Tom’s reason for being in China.  The movie unravels the history behind the two CIA agents and the bond they developed over the years.  The movie takes place in several different parts of the world and thus has quite an amazing amount of backdrops.

The movie poster for Spy Game features a picture of Robert Redford in the top left corner, and Brad Pitt in the bottom right corner.  These two images are the images which stand out the most in the movie poster.  They contrast the movie poster quite vividly given that their images are in color while the background is faded darker.  This was clearly done to highlight the two famous A-List actors featured in the movie.

The other striking feature on the movie poster is a red thick border which runs across it with the movie title and the name of the main actors in bold capital white letters.  Again this is clearly done so that the name of the movie stands out along with the names of the actors. The other contrasting feature is the quote “Heart Pounding!” by famous movie critic Joel Siegel of Good Morning America.

The last eye-catching features of the movie poster are the images selected for it.  In the top right hand corner a picture of a car on fire is used with Brad Pitt running away from it dressed up as a photographer.  Again here striking part is that there is an explosion in the engine bay of the vehicle pictured which is highlighted by a fire in bright orangish-red.  Brad Pitt also stands out as he is in vivid colors while the background is a smoky grey.

On the bottom left hand corner next to Brad Pitt’s face there is an image of Soldiers with their machine guns drawn and a helicopter with the blades in motion on what seems to be a military facility.  This image along with the image of Brad Pitt running away from the exploding car represent high intensity action along with military characteristics.

Overall the pictures of the two A-List actors, the action shot images, and the contrasting features along with the one movie quote from a respectable movie critic make this movie poster quite solid in my book.  It does a great job of incorporating all the important features of the film without being too much.  Luckily the movie backs up the great poster, in fact it is one of my favorite movies.

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