11 Pictures


I chose this picture to describe beautiful because this is a picture I took in Liguria, Italy where I grew up.  This is the first thing that came to mind when I thought of beautiful, was my hometown.  This picture was taken above the hills and does a great job to show the beautiful coast line.


I chose this picture to depict serenity because it is the calm before the storm.  It is a ship out in the ocean about to approach a hurricane.  The picture does a perfect job to show a calm ocean and horizon on one side, while on the other we have a huge storm approaching.


Nat’l Weather Service Photo Gallery
NOAA/National Weather Service, Portland, Oregon Forecast Office



The water and waves were a perfect depiction of texture to me.   The wave really brings out the texture of the water in this image.  Not only that but it is a pretty cool picture.

Source: PaigeTheSailor http://imgfave.com/view/1037079


A fighter jet to me is a perfect description of power.  Jet engines allow these fighter jets to defy gravity and do incredible things due to their sheer power.  This picture shows the force of the jet engines, it is emphasized by black and white except for the flames coming from the jet engines.

Source: Kevin Walker



This picture is a an example of a cop using his radar gun to catch speeders.  I chose it to describe repulsive as I find speed traps repulsive.  The picture does a good job as the focus is on the officer while a passing by car is blurred showing movement.

Source: Scott (Crazyphotoman)



I chose this picture to depict hard because this water dam shows how this concrete wall can stop and contain water.  The picture shows a massive strong structure used as a barrier.

Source: AlessandroFromVismara



I chose this picture to describe shape because a bullet has a unique shape.  This picture from Guy Sagi’s album shows a bullet in motion.  It is traveling so fast that it emits smoke.

Source: Guy Sagi



I chose Jason Christopher’s picture to depict silhouettes as he is photographing top models.  This picture shows the traditional skinny, tall models.  The picture emphasizes on this by displaying their long skinny legs.

Source: Jason Christopher


Negative Space

I chose this picture of a jail cell to describe negative space.  I chose this picture because to me it defines negative space as it is a picture of a small jail cell, and with a gloomy feel to it.  The toilet dug in the ground further shows how small this space really is.

Source: Sharon Duran


Low Angle

This is one of my favorite pictures.  It is a self shot of a fighter pilot from a low angle while he is flying upside down.  This picture is not only cool because being it is taken inside the cockpit of a fighter but also showing a nice view of the panorama below.

Source: Telluride Photo Festival


Negative Space

This picture I took was taken to describe negative space.  I intentionally wanted to open the trash chute and take a picture of the chute.  Instead when I opened the door to the trash room I found all the trash piled up in front of the trash chute.