Smartphone App Photos – New York City

This week-end I was visiting friends in New York City and thought it would be a great time to take pictures using the smart phone apps.  The smart phone apps I used were Hipstamatic and Pro HDR.  Hipstamatic is an app which converts the pictures you take to seem “old school” as they put it.  The pictures are made to look as those taken by the old plastic toy cameras.  The five pictures below were taken in Queens and downtown New York City.



The pictures above were taken in Queens.  I photographed these two scenes in Queens because I felt as if the buildings complimented the style well.  The buildings and background taken in this picture are older and thus go with the theme of the app in my opinion.


This picture is a mid shot taken down in the New York Subway as the train is leaving.  I really liked the idea of the train in movement along with the USA flag stamped on the car. 

ImageThis was a random shot taken in a coffee shop in SoHo.  I took a wide shot of the espresso machines in the coffee shop with the app to give it an older look. 


This picture was taken in SoHo New York.  I took it as I was crossing the street to get a negative space shot of the buildings in the background.

For the next set of pictures I took I used the Pro HDR app.  This app converts pictures into full-resolution shots.  It is great to give your shots a high res vivid look.  Again, I used this app in New York City.



These two shots I took downtown New York and again I looked to achieve a negative space angle but this time using the Pro HDR app to enhance the images and bring out the colors displayed down the street. 



These two images I took down in the New York Harbour on the Hudson River.  The first image is of the sunset, the second image which is my favorite was taken of an older man who was walking down the pier by himself and happened to stop to observe the city.  I like this shot because it is as if it were a painting.


The last picture taken was also down at the harbor.  This picture is a close up shot of the American flag with the Freedom Tower in the background.  I chose to take a picture of the flag and leave space purposefully so that I could fit the Freedom Tower, I thought this shot was really symbolic of the United States.