The music video I have selected is the Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve.  I chose this music video because I like the song and believe the music video is unique.  The music video starts off with the lead member of the band, Richard Ashcroft, walking up to a side walk in a city.  He is wearing plain black clothes in the video.  The video is shot in a granny setting, making the colors and people contrast more to the surroundings.  The camera starts facing him and is moving backwards as he walks through the city sidewalk.  The camera eventually alternates views in the video.  The angle switches from facing him to giving the viewer the view from Ashcroft’s perspective, as well as behind him and looking ahead.

Once the vocals begin, Ashcroft begins to walk down the side walk.  He walks singing the vocals and is zoned out of his surroundings.  While walking down the busy sidewalk he constantly runs into people and acts as if they don’t exist.  The interesting part here is that some people take offense, while others are too busy to be bothered by his careless actions.  Throughout the video, the camera remains focused on him rather than his surroundings.

The music video seems to follow his lyrics.  His lyrics go “I’ll take you down the only road I’ve ever been down”, hence why we are following him through the streets.  The song implies that Ashcroft only knows one road, that we are all just trying to make ends meet, that we are slaves to money and then we die.  In the song he then prays for a melody to help him cleanse of these worries and be free. “Well I never pray, But tonight I’m on my knees, yeah, I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me”

The music video suggests that he has found that cleansing symphony and thus why he is walking down the street without any care for his surroundings.   Walking through the street singing his song without any care he echoes the lyrics “I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now, But the airways are clean and there’s nobody singing to me now”

The video continues with him walking carelessly though the streets, worrying only about himself and not his surroundings.  He eventually is joined by the other members of his group and they all proceed to continue walking down the street in the same fashion.  I believe this is an excellent music video and seems to go well with the lyrics.

Lyrics Source:

Music Video Source: